Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae - Biographical Information and Research Interests of Hans Schamel
Hans Schamel received his doctorate in physics in 1970 from the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
in Germany with a theoretical investigation of self-consistent, shock-like structures in collisionless plasmas.
From 1969-1974 he was employed at the Max-Planck-Institut für Physik and Astrophysik in München
and worked as a research scientist at the University of California, Los Angeles, USA in 1974-1975.
In 1975 he joined the Ruhr-Universität in Bochum, Germany, as an Assistant Professor, where he received
the Habilitation degree in Theoretical Physics in 1978 and was appointed extra-ordinary professor in 1984.
After a half-year employment at JET, the European Nuclear Fusion Center in Culham, England in 1986 he
was appointed as professor for Theoretical Physics at the Universität Bayreuth, Germany, from which he
retired in 2004.
Hans Schamel's theoretical research work is in the physics of plasmas, particle accelerators and fluid dynamics
with focus on structure formation, transport and turbulence. Some highlights of his investigations are
- Laser-plasma interaction [1]
- plasma expansion into vacuum [2,3]
- cross-field transport [4]
- ponderomotive effects [5]
- solitary waves on coasting beams in synchrotrons [6]
- phase space holes & intermittent plasma turbulence [7-15]
- nonlinear nature of electrostatic shielding [16]
- diode dynamics [17-19]
- magnetosonic wave collapse [20]
- Coulomb relaxation of anisotropic distributions [21]
[1] Ch. Sack and H. Schamel, SUNION - An Algorithm for One-dimensional Laser-Plasma Interaction,
J. Comp. Phys. 53(1984)395-428.
[2] Ch. Sack and H. Schamel, Plasma expansion into vacuum - a hydrodynamic approach,
Phys. Reports 156(1987)311-395.
[3] Hans Schamel, Lagrangian fluid description with simple applications in compressible plasma and gas dynamics,
Phys. Reports 392(2004)279-319.
[4] G. Hübner and H. Schamel, Enhanced cross-field transport in cylindrical, anisotropic magneto-plasmas in
the very long mean-field-path regime,
Transport Theory and Stat. Phys. 23(1994)971-1000.
[5] U. Wolf and H. Schamel, Wake-field generation by the ponderomotive memory effect,
Phys. Rev.E 56(1997)4656-4664.
[6] Hans Schamel, Theory of Solitary Holes in Coasting Beams,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 79(1997)2811-2814.
[7] Hans Schamel, Stationary Solitary, Snoidal and Sinusoidal Ion Acoustic Waves,
Plasma Phys. 14(1972)905-924.
[8] Hans Schamel, Theory of Electron Holes,
Physica Scripta. 20(1979)336-342.
[9] H. Schamel and S. Bujarbarua, Theory of finite-amplitude electron and ion holes,
J. Plasma Phys. 25(1981)515-529.
[10] H. Schamel and S. Bujarbarua, Analytical double layers,
Phys. Fluids 26(1983)190- 193.
[11] Hans Schamel, Kinetic Theory of Phase Space Vortices and Double layers,
Physica Scripta. Vol. T2/1(1982)228-237.
[12] Hans Schamel, Electron holes, ion holes and double layers,
Phys. Reports 140(1986)161-191.
[13] J. Korn and H. Schamel, Electron holes and their role in the dynamics of current-carrying weakly collisional plasmas
Part 1. Immobile ions, Part 2. Mobile ions,
J. Plasma Phys. 56(1996)307-337, 339-359.
[14] Hans Schamel, Hole equilibria in Vlasov-Poisson systems: A challenge to wave theories of ideal plasmas,
Phys. Plasmas 7(2000)4831-4844.
[15] A. Luque and H. Schamel, Electrostatic trapping as a key to the dynamics of plasmas, fluids and other collective systems,
Phys. Reports 415(2005)261-359.
[16] N. Das and H. Schamel, Nonlinear shielding of planar test charge in one-dimensionalVlasov-Poisson plasmas,
J. Plasma Phys. 71(2005) 769-784.
[17] A. Ya. Ender, H. Kolinsky, V. I. Kuznetsov, and H. Schamel, Collective diode dynamics: an analytical approach,
Phys. Reports 328(2000)1-72.
[18] P. V. Akimov and H. Schamel, Space-charge-limited current in electron diodes under the influence of collisions,
J. Appl. Phys 92(2002)1690-1698.
[19] P. V. Akimov, H. Schamel, A. Ya. Ender, and V. I. Kuznetsov, Switching as a dynamical process in electron diodes,
J. Appl. Phys 93(2003)1246-1256.
[20] N. Chakrabarti, C. Maity, and H. Schamel, Non-stationary Magnetosonic Wave Dynamics in Plasmas Exhibiting
Phys. Rev. E 88(2013)023102.
[21] H. Schamel, H. Hamnén, D. F. Düchs, and T. E. Stringer, Nonlinear analysis of Coulomb relaxation of anisotropic distributions,
Phys. Fluids B 1(1989)76-86.
[R1] Hans Schamel, Cnoidal electron hole propagation: Trapping, the forgotten nonlinearity in plasma and fluid dynamics,
Phys. Plasmas 19(2012)020501
[R2] Hans Schamel, Particle trapping:A key requisite of structure formation and stability of Vlasov-Poisson plasmas,
Phys. Plasmas 22(2015)042301
[R3] Hans Schamel, Debraj Mandal, and Devendra Sharma, On the nonlinear trapping nature of undamped, coherent structures
in collisionless plasmas and its impact on stability,
Phys. Plasmas 24(2017)032109
[R4] Debraj Mandal, Devendra Sharma, and Hans Schamel, Electron holes instability as a primordial step towards sustained
intermittent turbulence in linearly subcritical plasmas,
New J. Phys. 20(2018)073004
[R5] H. Schamel, D. Mandal, and D. Sharma, Evidence of a new class of cnoidal electron holes exhibiting intrinsic
substructures, its impact on linear (and nonlinear) Vlasov theories and role in anomalous transport,
Phys. Scr. 95(2020)055601
[R6] H. Schamel, D. Mandal, and D. Sharma, Diversity of solitary electron holes operating with non-perturbative trapping,
Phys. Plasmas
[R7] H. Schamel, Novel electron holes of Gaussian type due to second order, non-perturbative trapping and the general loss of identifiability of hole structures in experiments,
Phys. Lett. A
[R8] H. Schamel, Two-Parametric, Mathematically Undisclosed Solitary Electron Holes and Their Evolution equation,
[R9] H. Schamel, Pattern formation in Vlasov-Poisson plasmas beyond Landau caused by
the continuous spectra of
electron and ion hole equilibria,
arXiv:2110.01433v2 [physics.plasm-ph]